Monday, 6 August 2012

NERC VNN 'BRIDGE' project secures special issue in Environment and Planning C

My NERC VNN 'BRIDGE' project  has secured the 'go ahead' for a special issue in Environment and Planning C on 'Embedding an Ecosystems Approach? The Utilisation of Ecological Knowledges in Decision Making'. 

The special issue seeks to better understand the interactions between the supply of, and demand for, ecosystem knowledge in different decision making arenas or venues. Specifically, it aims to:
  • better understand the uptake and immediate influence of ecosystem knowledge in public, private and third sector decision making venues;
  • investigate the sources and processes of ecosystem knowledge development, and how these facilitate or hinder its utilisation in different venues at different levels of governance;
  • explore the scope for bringing ecosystem knowledge into decision-making processes, by examining critical decision making venues where knowledge is (or could in future) be used, such as land use planning, policy appraisal and cost benefit analysis.

The 10 papers to be included in the special issues (subject to peer-review) are based on the papers presented at the VNN BRIDGE 'Decisions' workshop held on 3-4 May 2012. Although we don't have an exact date for this issue, it is likely to be published late 2012 / early 2013. I'll post more detail when we get it.

Many thanks to Duncan Russell and Andy Jordan for all their hard work securing this output.

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